IEEE 378-1986 pdf free.IEEE Standard on Network Analyzers (100 kHz to 18 GHz)
IEEE 378 of Range Continuity Lin-earity. Measured network loss or phase char-acteristics shall be continuous versus frequencywithin the quantization error of the test set orwithin physical constraints of the network. Thisconstraint permits a particular loss or phaserange of measuring space to be exercised andchecked with a stable network having a suitablefrequency characteristic. This principle of con-tinuity may be used to verify that every bit ofdigital or scale portion of analog loss and phasedata is properly read by an automated networkanalyzer.
Beatty’s computable standards (see [7]) arerecommended for this test.
5.6 Check of Ability to Correct Transmis-sion Loss Measurement for Mismatches.Au-tomatic network analyzers may have the abilityto correct for their source and detector mis-matches mathematically to simulate a mea-surement in a true Z。 system.
This may be checked best by measuring trans-mission loss standards(for example, mismatchedair lines) that have been calibrated manually atfixed frequencies in a system with carefullytuned Z source and load impedance.
Possible Diagnostic Tests of AutomaticNetwork Analyzers.Test methods can be ap-plied that permit the same instrumentation usedfor normal ratio measurements to be used to self-measure its internal transmission characteris-tics and error sources. The speed and conve-nience in measuring theseerror sources,particularly in a computer controlled system,permit comprehensive test-set characterizationat initial prove-in time or during any subsequentperiod.See also [8].
Computer-operated network analyzers havethe potential for rapid and accurate measure-ments over broad frequency ranges.Along withthese advantages often comes greater difficultyin verifying system performance and greaterpenalties for system malfunctions. Computer-aided methods may be optionally supplied bymanufacturers to permitrapid verification ofthe system performance.
Separate Verification of Linear Rangefor Insertion Loss and Phase. In order to ver-ify the amplitude linearity of the system withinits dynamic range,one measures the same in-cremental insertion loss of,for example,10 dBat different levels.The repeatability of the con-nectors or of the switch or mechanism used toinsert and remove this loss must be good. Also,low reflection networks or sufficient isolationshould be used to reduce interaction with im-perfect source and detector impedance.The same considerations apply for verifyingthe independence of the insertion phase shiftas regards the level at the detector within thedynamic range of the system.IEEE 378 pdf download.
IEEE 378-1986 pdf free
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