AS/NZS 4869.4:2015 pdf free.Maritime survivor locating systems (MSLS) Part 4: Maritime low power personal locating devices employing Automatic ldentification System (AIS).
4 General requirements
4.1 Construction
The manufacturer shall provide evidence that all requirements in clause 4 are fulfilled.
In all respects, the mechanical and electrical design and the construction and finish of the equipment shall conform with good engineering practice.
The equipment shall be designed to minimize the risk of internal and external damage during use or stowage.
The exterior of the equipment shall have flO sharp edges or projections that could easily damage inflatable rafts or injure personnel.
The general construction and method of operation shall provide a high degree of proof against inadvertent operation due to magnetic influences, handling, stowage and transit, whilst still providing a simple mcaiis of operation in an emergency.
The equipment shall he portable. lightweight, compact and be designed as one integral unit. The locating device shall derive its energy from a battery forming a part of the equipment and incorporate a permanently attached antenna which may be either fixed length or extendible.
The locating device may be fitted with a test facility by which the functioning of the transmitter and battery can be easily tested without the use of any external equipment.
The equipment shall he capable of being used by an unskilled person.
The locating device shall be watertight to a depth of 1 m (see clause 7.13).
The equipment shall not he unduly affected by sea water or oil and shall he resistant to deterioration by prolonged exposure to sunlight.
4.1.1 Categories of equipment
Two categories are defined:
• Category I locating devices shall have sufficient positive buoyancy to float in fresh water.
• Category 2 locating devices intended to be incorporated into or attached to a buoyancy aid are not required to float.
Category 1 locating devices that can float free may have a lanyard to attach them to a person or life vest. Where a lanyard is employed it shall meet the requirements of IMO MSC.l49(77) [8], paragraph 2.3.11. The user manual or instructions shall include necessary information o allow the user to properly attach the locating device lanyard.
The user manual or instructions for Category 2 devices shall include necessary information to allow the user to fi or attach the locating device to a buoyancy aid.
4.2 Controls
The equipment shall be initially activated by the use of two simple. but independent mechanical actions, neither of which on its own shall activate the equipment. The second mechanical action may he replaced by an immersion sensor. Where the second action is replaced by an immersion sensor then the first action shall be an arm function thus to ensure the device is armed for automatic activation when submerged.
It shall only be possible to activate the equipment after a seal or other mechanical restraint has been removed from the tirst mechanical action. For devices without an arm function it shall not he possible to reattach a removed seal or restrain. After activation it shall be simple to dc-activate the equipment and the means to deactivate the equipment shall he clearly marked.
The switch that operates any test facility (clause 4.1) shall he so designed (hat i returns automatically to the off-position rhen released.
4.3 Indicators
The equipment shall he provided with a visual and/or audible indication that signals are being emitted. The indicator shall he sufficiently bright to he seen in bright sunlight. Except when operating in test mode the indicator shall not be green in colour.
The indicator shall clearly distinguish the following states:
(1) The locating device has been activated and is waiting ftr GNSS data.
(ii) The locating device has GNSS data and is transmitting in active mode.
(iii) The locating device is undergoing test and is transmitting in test mode.
(iv) The locating device has completed a test or has been dc-activated.
4.4 Identifier (user ID)
The locating device shall have an identifier to distinguish it from other AIS devices.
The User ID for a personal search and rescue locating device is 972xxyyyy. where xx = manufacturer 1D 01 to 99; yyyy = the sequence number 0000 to 9999. Manufacturers IDs are issued by CIRM. Manufacturers shall only use manufacturer iDs that have been issued o them by CIRM. except for testing purposes where the ID xx=00 can be used (see clause 6.3).
After being programmed by the manufacturer, it shall not be possible for the user to change the identifier of the locating device.
The user II) shall he held in non-volatile memory.AS/NZS 4869.4 pdf download.
AS/NZS 4869.4:2015 pdf free
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