ASTM E2110-17 pdf free.Standard Terminology for Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS).
Definitions:accessories,preformed metal,fiberglass, or plastic mem-bers for use to form corners,edges,control joints,ordecorative effects.
aesthetic joint,a deprecated term. See aesthetic reveal.aesthetic reveal,a groove cut into the insulation boardwhich serves the function of decoration or to provide astarting or stopping point for finish-coat application, or both.back wrap, a means of terminating an EIFS by continuingthe reinforced base coat from the exterior side of theinsulation board around its edge to the substrate. In theprocess of back wrapping, the reinforcing mesh is mechani-cally or adhesively secured to the substrate prior to installa-tion of the insulation board. (See Fig.1.) As an alternative method, back wrapping is achieved bywrapping the edge, back, and exterior side of the insulation board withreinforced base coat prior to fastening the insulation board to thesubstrate.This is referred to as prewrap.base coat,the initial wet-state material,either factory orfield-mixed,used to encapsulate the nonmetallic reinforcingmesh or fasten the insulation to the substrate.EIFS-clad barrier wall assembly,n—a wall assembly forwhich the EIFS cladding provides weather resistance for theEIFS clad portion of the assembly. EIFS-clad drainage wall assembly,n—a wall assemblyincorporating a means of drainage between the EIFS and aweather resistive barrier,for incidental moisture resultingfrom a breach in the EIFS, to the exterior of the EIFS cladportion of the assembly.embed, v—to encapsulate the nonmetallic reinforcing mesh inthe base coat.expansion joint,n—a structural separation between buildingelements that allow independent movement without damageto the assembly.exterior insulation and finish system (EIFS),n—nonloadbearing, exterior wall cladding system that consists of aninsulation board attached either adhesively or mechanically,or both, to the substrate; an integrally reinforced base coat;and a textured protective finish coat.factory mix,n—a material that is prepared at the point ofmanufacture and is ready to use without the addition of othermaterials, except possibly water to adjust consistency.ASTM E2110 pdf download.
ASTM E2110-17 pdf free
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