ASTM D693-03a pdf free.Standard Specification for Crushed Aggregate for Macadam Pavements.
Test Method for Liquid Limit,Plastic Limit,andPlasticity Index of Soils.Test Method for Flat Particles, Elongated Particles,or Flat and Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate.Test Method for Determining the Percentage ofFractured Particles in Coarse Aggregate
Orders for material under this specification shall includethe following information:Name of material (Crushed Aggregate for MacadamConstruction),ASTM designation (D 693 and year of issue),Grading (Size Number) to be furnished (see 5.7 andNote 3),Whether to be used in base course or surface course(see 5.1),Whether for dry- or water-bound construction,orbituminous construction (see 5.4),Quantity required, and3.1.7 Special requirements.4.General Characteristics,Crushed Stone or Crushed Gravel——The crushed stoneor crushed gravel shall consist of reasonably clean,tough,durable fragments.
ASTM D693 pdf download.The crushed slag shall be air-cooledblast-furnace slag and shall consist of fragments reasonablyclean,tough, durable, and consistent in density and quality.4.3 Choking Material for Dry- or Water-bound MacadamBase Courses——The choking material shall consist of naturalsand or the fine product resulting from crushing coarseaggregate.
The aggregates (with the exception ofcrushed blast-furnace slag), when subjected to degradationtesting, shall have a loss not greater then 40 % when used forsurface courses or 50 % when used for base courses.
Bulk Densityof Slag—Air-cooled blast-furnace slagcoarse aggregate,when tested in size No.57 or No. 8, shallhave a rodded bulk density not less than 1120 kg/m3(70 lb/ft3).5.3 Crushed Pieces in Gravel——For crushed gravel,theportion of particles retained on the 4.75 mm (No.4) sieve shallhave no less than 75 % two fractured faces by mass of thatportion.
Some sources of gravel contain angular particles which willperform similarly to a mechanically crushed particle. Where laboratorytests or service records indicate this to be true, such angular particles maybe considered as crushed.
Coarse aggregate, for dry- or water-boundbase courses, when subjected to five cycles of the soundnesstest, shall have a weighted loss of not more than 20 % whensodium sulfate is used or not more than 30 % when magnesiumsulfate is used.
Liquid Limit and Plasticity Index-The fraction of thesize No. 10 choking material (for dry- and water-boundcourses) passing the 425 um (No. 40) sieve shall have a liquidlimit not greater than 30 and a plasticity index not greater than6.ASTM D693 pdf download.
ASTM D693-03a pdf free
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