ASTM D584-96 pdf free.Standard Test Method for Wool Content of Raw Wool-Laboratory Scale.
Either pure ethyl alcohol (C,H,OH) or specially denatured alcohol conforming to Formula 3A or 30 of theU.S. Bureau of Internal Revenue.
For the sampling of commercial shipments take a lotsample as directed in an applicable material specification, or asagreed upon between the purchaser and the seller. In absence ofa material specification or other agreement, take a lot samplefrom a lot of packaged raw wool as directed in PracticeD 1060,and take a lot sample from a lot of raw wool in bulkform as directed in Practice D 2525.
Weighing-Determine the net mass, in grams,of thelaboratory sample as received to four significant figures, takingcare to avoid any change in moisture content during weighing.8.2.1 Pieces of outer bale wrappers (burlap or plastic) areoccasionally present in core samples. If such material ispresent,remove and weigh it before discarding. Deduct themass of this material from the net mass of the sample asreceived (8.2) to obtain the adjusted net mass,M.
Remove and discard,without weighing,strings andother extraneous material not containing wool or vegetablematter, that are present in substantial amount.If the mass of the sample is not morethan three times the scouring capacity of the scouring bowl, test the entire sample, in one, two, or three portions as may berequired.Consider the maximum scouring capacity of the bowl to be the mass of raw wool in grams equal to 12 times the volume of scouring solution in litres. If the sample is a core sample, no further preparationis required. If it is not a core sample and consists of fibersexceeding 50 mm in length,cut the fibers with scissors or apaper cutter to less than 50-mm lengths.
Spray the material on the No.200 (75-um) sievewith warm water, then transfer to the flotation jar. Fill the jarwith warm water,using the spray to cause agitation andaeration. After the sediment has settled,decant the floatingwool and vegetable matter into the bowl.Refill the jar with thespray,allow to settle, and again decant. If the sediment stillcontains wool or vegetable matter estimated to exceed 0.05 %of the specimen mass, repeat once more before discarding thesediment.ASTM D584 pdf download.
ASTM D584-96 pdf free
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