ASTM D585-97 pdf free.Standard Practice for Sampling and Accepting a Single Lot of Paper, Paperboard,Fiberboard, and Related Product.
Select Table Xl or Table X2 according to thecomposition of the lot (X2.3.1 and X2.3.2).
Locate the lot size (X2.4.1) in the first column of theselected table. The sampling and acceptance criteria to be usedare those given on the line corresponding to this lot size.X2.5.3 Take a first sample consisting of the number of testunits equal to the number in the column headed n. Sampleaccording to the rules for selecting a sample to represent a lot(6.1), including in each test unit enough additional material fornoncritical chemical tests (X2.5.10-X2.5.13). Subject each of the n test units of this sample to theappropriate number of test determinations for each of therequired test properties. For noncritical chemical tests followinstructions in X2.5.10-X2.5.13. Record the number of defective units thus found.X2.5.6 First Sample Criteria:If the number from X2.5.5 does not exceed thenumber in column Ac, the lot should be considered to meet therequirements relating to the properties tested.If the above number equals or exceeds the numberin column Re, the lot should be considered as having failed tomeet the requirements of the detail specification.If the above number exceeds the acceptance num-ber (Ac) but is less than the rejection number (Re), proceed tothe next step.
Take a second sample equal in size to the first so thatthe total number of test units in the first and second sample isn,. Again take this sample in accordance with the rules forselecting a sample to represent a lot.Follow x2.5.4 and X2.5.5,and compute the totalnumber of defective test units in the two samples.
If the number in X2.5.8 does not exceed thenumber in Ac, the lot is considered to meet the requirementsrelating to the properties tested.
If the above number equals or exceeds the numberin column Re,, the lot shall be considered as having failed tomeet the requirements of the detail specification.If the lot satisfies X2.5.6.1 or X2.5.9.1 and non-critical chemical tests are specified, determine the sample size(n’) for these tests in accordance with Table X3 .Select the above n’test units at random from the ntest units obtained in accordance with 5.3.
Subject each of the n’ test units of this sample to allthe required noncritical chemical tests, and record the numberof defective test units thus found.ASTM D585 pdf download.
ASTM D585-97 pdf free
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