ASTM D581-99 pdf free.Standard Specification for Glass Fiber Greige Braided Tubular Sleeving.
Verify the number of singles strands and the number ofplied or cabled strands on one test specimen from each of theselected tubes or serving spools in the laboratory sample whiledetermining the twist direction or twist level. See Section 21.25.Direction of Twist
Verify the direction of twist in each strand of the yarnsof the braided tubular sleeving as directed in Test MethodD 1423 for one test specimen from each of the selected tubesor serving spools in the laboratory sample.
Determine the twist level in each of the componentstrands in the braided tubular sleeving as directed in TestMethod D 1423 upon five test specimens from each of theselected tubes or serving spools in the laboratory sample.27.Ends Per Carrier
Verify the ends per carrier in the braided tubularsleeving for one test specimen from each of the selected tubesor serving spools in the laboratory sample.This is determinedby cutting through a length of braided tubular sleeving at rightangles to the axis of the braided sleeving and then counting thenumber ofcut yarn ends observed in each weave of the braidedtubular sleeving.
Verify the number of carriers in the braided tubularsleeving for one test specimen from each of the selected tubesor serving spools in the laboratory sample.This is determinedwhile making ends per carrier determinations and counting thetotal number of cut yarn ends observed and dividing by theends per carrier.Determine the picks per centimetre (picks per inch) ofthe braided tubular sleeving as directed in Test Method D 3775 using three test specimens from each of the selected tubes orserving spools in the laboratory sample except:
Measure the number of picks per centimetre (picksper inch) over a 75-mm (3-in.) length after the braided tubularsleeving has been placed snugly upon a mandrel having thesame diameter as the specified inside diameter of the sleeving.Use a standard pick counter in counting the number of picksper centimetre (picks per inch).Take the average of the threemeasurements as the number of picks per centimetre (picks perinch)25 mm (1 in.).ASTM D581 pdf download.
ASTM D581-99 pdf free
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