ASTM D559-03 pdf free.Standard Test Methods for Wetting and Drying Compacted Soil-Cement Mixtures.
Preparation of Material for Molding Specimens:Prepare the soil sample in accordance with TestMethod B of Test Methods D 558.
Select and maintain separate representative samples ofsoil passing the No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve and of saturated,surfacedry aggregate passing the 3/4-in. (19.0-mm) sieve andretained on the No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve so that the total samplewill be enough to provide two (Note 2) compacted specimensand required water content samples.The percentage, by oven-dry mass, of aggregate passing the 3/4-in. (19.0-mm) sieve andretained on the No.4(4.75-mm) sieve shall be the same as thepercentage passing the 3-in. (75-mm) sieve and retained on theNo.4 (4.75-mm) sieve in the original sample.
Add to the sample passing the No.4 (4.75-mm) sieve,the amount of cement conforming to Specification C 150 orSpecification C 595, required for the total sample specified in8.1.2 Mix the cement and soil thoroughly to a uniform color.8.1.4 Add to the sample passing the No.4 (4.75-mm) sieve,sufficient water to raise the total soil-cement mixture prescribed in 8.1.2 to optimum water content at time of compac-tion and facilitate moisture dispersion as described for TestMethod A in 7.1.4 to 7.1.6.
After preparation of the mixture as described in8.1.1-8.1.4,add the saturated,surface-dry aggregate to themixture and mix thoroughly.Form a specimen by immediately compacting thesoil-cement mixture in the mold (with the collar attached) andlater trimming the specimen in accordance with Test Method Bof Test Methods D 558, and in addition as the mixture for eachlayer is placed in the mold, spade along the inside of the moldwith a butcher knife before compaction to obtain uniformdistribution of the material retained on the No. 4 (4.75-mm)sieve and scarify the tops of the first and second layers asdescribed for Test Method A of this test method. Only limited data are available from whichto judge the variability of results for these test methods. Thesedata are shown in Table 2.A larger amount of mass loss data is listed under TestMethods D 560.It is expected that variations of results of thesetests,Test Methods D 559,would be similar since the samebrushing operation is used in both test methods to achieve theweight loss.ASTM D559 pdf download.
ASTM D559-03 pdf free
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