ASTM B581-02 pdf free.Standard Specification for Nickel-Chromium-Iron-Molybdenum-Copper Alloy Rod.
Lots for Chemical Analysis and Mechanical Testing:10.1.1 A lot for chemical analysis shall consist of one heat.10.1.2 A lot of rod for mechanical testing shall be defined asthe material from one heat in the same condition and specifiedthickness.Sampling for Chemical Analysis:A representative sample shall be obtained from eachlot during pouring or subsequent processing.Product (check) analysis shall be wholly the respon-sibility of the purchaser and shall conform to the product(check) analysis variations per Specification B 880. Sampling for Mechanical Testing: A representative sample shall be taken from each lotof finished material.If the specimen used in the mechanical test ofany lot fails to meet the specified requirements, two additionalspecimens shall be taken from different sample pieces andtested.The results of the tests on both of these specimens shallmeet the specified requirements.
Tension test specimens shall be taken from materialafter final heat treatment and tested in the direction offabrication.
Tension test specimens shall be any of the standard orsubsized specimens shown in Test Methods E 8.
In’the event of disagreement,the referee specimenshall be the largest possible round specimen shown in TestMethods E 8.
The chemical composition and mechanical propertiesof the material as enumerated in this specification shall bedetermined,in case of disagreement,in accordance with thefollowing ASTM methods: Chemical Analysis——Test Methods E 1473.For ele-ments not covered by Test Methods E 1473, the referee method shall be as agreed upon between the manufacturer and pur-chaser. The composition of the remainder element shall bedetermined arithmetically by difference. Material that fails to conform to the requirements ofthis specification may be rejected. Rejection should be reportedto the producer or supplier promptly and in writing.In case ofdissatisfaction with the results of the test,the producer orsupplier may make claim for a rehearing.
When specified in the purchase order or contract,amanufacturer’s certification shall be furnished to the purchaserstating that material has been manufactured,tested,and inspected in accordance with this specification, and that the testresults on representative samples meet specification requirements. When specified in the purchase order or contract,areport of the test results shall be furnished.ASTM B581 pdf download.
ASTM B581-02 pdf free
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