ASTM B371/B371M-02 pdf free.Standard Specification for Copper-Zinc-Silicon Alloy Rod.
When product is purchased for agencies of the U.s.Government.The following requirements are optional and shall beincluded in the contract or purchase order when required:4.2.1 Mercurous nitrate test,Certification (Specification B 249/B 249M), and4.2.3 Mill test report (Specification B 249/B 249M).
The material of manufacture shall be cast billets, logs,or rods of Copper Alloy UNS Nos.C69400,C69430,C69700,or C69710 of such soundness and structure as to make themsuitable for processing into the desired product.The product shall be manufactured by hot extrusionand finished by such cold working, annealing, and straighten-ing as may be necessary to achieve the required properties.6.Chemical Composition.
The material shall conform to the chemical composi-tional requirements specified in Table 1 for the Copper AlloyUNS No.designated in the ordering information.These composition limits do not preclude the presenceof other elements. Limits shall be established and analysisrequired for unnamed elements by agreement between themanufacturer and the purchaser.For copper alloys in which zinc is specified as theremainder, either copper or zinc is permitted to be taken as thedifference between the sum of results for all elements analyzedand 100 %. When copper is so determined,that differencevalue shall conform to the requirements given in Table 1.6.3 When all elements specified in Table 1 for the copperalloy designated in the ordering information are determined,the sum of results shall be 99.5 % minimum.Product purchased for agencies of the U.S.Govern-ment shall conform to the additional requirements prescribed inthe Supplementary Requirements section of SpecificationB 249/B 249M.
Dimensions and Permissible Variations:The dimensions and tolerances for product furnished tothis specification shall be as specified in the following tablesand related paragraphs in Specification B 249/B 249M: Diameter or Distance Between Parallel Surfaces—Refer to Table,Tolerance for Diameter of Cold-Drawn Rod.Refer to Table,Length Tolerances for Rod,Bar, and Shapes and Table,Schedule of Lengths with Ends forRod and Bar.Refer to Table,Straightness Toler-ances for Rod, Bar, and Shapes.ASTM B371 pdf download.
ASTM B371/B371M-02 pdf free
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