IEEE 789-1988 pdf free.IEEE Standard Performance Requirements for Communications and Control Cables forApplication in High Voltage Environments.
IEEE 789 applies to wires andcables,used principally for power system com-munications and control purposes, which are located within electric power stations or areinstalled within the zone of influence of thepower station ground potential rise (GPR),orwhich may be buried adjacent to electric powertransmission and distribution lines.They maybe subjected to high voltages either by conduction or induction coupling, or both. Such voltagesare often higher than the insulation withstandcapability of ordinary telephonetype cables,which are frequently used for such purposes.This standard covers the appropriate design requirements, electrical and mechanical parame-ters, the testing requirements,and the handlingprocedures for cables that are to be installed andoperated in high voltage environments.Coaxialand fiber optic cables are specifically excludedfrom this standard.
The objective of this standard is to specify acable that may be used to ensure the overallreliability of communications and control cablesin high voltage environments.There should bea very high probability that these cables willperform their intended function for specified periods of time under high voltage interferenceconditions.
In addition to the requirements of this standard, all communications cables shall meet therequirements of ANSI /ICEA S-56-534-1983[1]1,and all cables shall meet the requirements ofANSI /IEEE Std 532-1982[8]. All cables shallmeet any specific requirements from any of thereferenced standards in 1.2.3 as required by theuser.
Electric Power Station Environment.Electric power stations subject communicationsand control cables to a high voltage environmentsince these cables run from the control room orother locations to remote station locations andto remote locations off the station ground gridvia trays, trenches,conduits,direct burial,etc.To limit potential differences in the station dur-ing cable and equipment faults or lightningstrokes,ground grids are installed within thestation area with station equipment,buildingframes,and structures connected to this grid.During a local or power station ground fault orfault on a power line at a location remote fromthe power station,some of the fault currentflows through the ground grid and produces apotential difference,ground potential rise(GPR), along the ground grid and between theground grid and remote earth. Communicationsand control circuits serving power stations areusually within the influence of this ground po-tential rise.This standard principally applies tocommunications and control cables that servethe power station, but may also apply to all suchcables that are exposed to the effects of hostileelectrical environments because they are enter-ing the GPR zone to serve telephone subscriberswithin the zone of influence,or because theymerely pass through the zone of influence.IEEE 789 pdf download.
IEEE 789-1988 pdf free
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