IEEE 498-1990 pdf free.IEEE Standard Requirements for the Calibration and Control of Measuring and Test EquipmentUsed in Nuclear Facilities.
IEEE 498 sets forth therequirements for a calibration program tocontrol and verify the accuracy of measuringand test equipment used to ensure that safetysystems [5] of a nuclear facility are in con-formance withprescribedtechnicalrequirements and that data provided by test-ing,inspection,or maintenance are valid.These requirements also cover modifi-cations and those activities occurring duringthe operating phase that are comparable innature and extent to related activities occurring during the initial construction of thefacility.
During the construction phase and whenmodifications are being performed,thisstandard shall be used in conjunction withthe applicable portions of ANSi/ASME NQA-1-1989[2] and ANSI/ASME NQA-2-1989[3]with respective addenda to and includingANSI/ASME NQA-1a-1989 and ANSIASMENQA-2a-1989 to the extent specified by theorganization invoking this standard.During the operations phase this standardshall be used with the applicable portions ofANSI/ANS 3.2-1988[1]3.
Owners who are committed to ANSI/ASMEN45.2-1977,Quality Assurance ProgramRequirements for Nuclear Facilities,and theappropriate ANSI/ASME N45.2 series ofdaughter standards* may continue to follow the requirements given in those documentsin lieu of those found in ANSI/ASME NQA-1[2]and ANSIASME NQA-2[3].
Applicability. The requirements of thisstandard apply to the measuring and testequipment used during the installation,inspection,test,calibration,and main-tenance activities performed for a nuclearfacility. Measuring and test equipment doesnot include that used for preliminary checkswhere data obtained will not be used to determine acceptability or be the basis for design or engineering evaluation.Calibration andcontrol measures may not be required forrulers, tape measures, levels,and other suchdevices if commercial equipment providesaccuracy adequate to meet specified requirements.
Selection of measuring and test equipmentshall be controlled to assure that such itemsare of the proper type,range,accuracy,res-olution,and tolerance to accomplish thefunction of determining conformance tospecified requirements.
The extent to which the individualrequirements of this standard apply willdepend upon the nature and scope of the workto be performed and the importance of theitem or service involved.
The requirements of this standard areintended to be applied to measuring and testequipment used on safety systems; however,they may also be applied to measuring andtest equipment used on nonsafety relatedsystems and equipment.IEEE 498 pdf download.
IEEE 498-1990 pdf free
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