ASTM E2634-18 pdf free.Standard Specification for Flat Wall Insulating Concrete Form (ICF) System.
1. Each test specimen shall consist of one square picce of gypsum board centered and placed over an ICF cross tie in the ICF unit, four square pieces of paper joint tape centered on the square gypsum board, one screw centered in the paper joint tape.
A quality control manual subjeet to the approval of the quality agency, shall be written and maintained by the ICF System owner manufacturer for each product and for each manufacturing facility. This quality control manual shall include provision for quality assurance.
3.1 Quality Assurance in Quality Conrol Manual This portion of the quality control manual shall include subject matter necessary to the quality-assurance program including the following:
3.1.1 Material Specifications, including incoming material inspection and acceptance requirements.
3.1.2 Quality assurance, inspection, testing, and acceptance procedures.
3.1.2.Sampling and inspection frequencies shall be devised to encompass all variables that affect quality of the finished product. Increased frequencies shall be used in connection with new or revised facilities. A random sampling scheme shall generally be used for specimen selection.
3.1.3 Procedures to be followed upon failure to meet specifications or upon out of control conditions shall be specified. Included shall be re-examination criteria for suspect material and material rejection criteria.
3.1.4 Finished product marking, handling, protection, and shipping requirements as they relate to the performance quality of the product shall be defined.
4.1 Inspection Personnel- All manufacturing personnel responsible for quality control shall demonstrate to the quality agency that they have knowledge of the inspection and test procedures used to control the process of the operation and calibration and the maintenance and interpretation of quality control records.
4.2 Record Keeping- All pertinent records shall be maintained on a current basis and be available for review by the quality agency personnel. As a minimum, such records shall be kept for a minimum of two years and shall include:
4.2.1 All inspection reports and records of test equipment calibration, including identification of the personnel carrying out the tests.
4.2.2 All test data, including retests and data associated with rejected production.
4.3 Detail of any corrective actions taken and the disposition of any rejected production resulting from tests or inspections.ASTM E2634 pdf download.
ASTM E2634-18 pdf free
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