ASTM D5058-12 (2020) pdf free.Standard Practices for Compatibility of Screening Analysis of Waste.
With samples that do not contain any reactivecompounds,this test procedure does not present any otherspecial hazards.However,samples that are reactive will failthis test and some reaction will result.The reaction could besevere.Keep thermometer in water at room temperature until ready for use. Note temperate o w Fahrenheit.
Bring sample to room temperature, if necessary.24.3 Place a small amount (approximately 10 mL) of waterinto a disposable beaker or test tube.Introduce approximately 1 mL of waste into the beaker dusts, or gases, and any precipitates or emusols,nu observations.If no reactions were observed and no significanttemperature change is noted, the waste has passed the watercompatibility test.Report the miscibility and apparent density of thesample as immiscible or miscible and lighter or heavier thanwater.No statement is made about eitner tne pwrhether there isof this practice since the result merely states whether there is conformance to the criteria for success specified in the procedure.
Add about 5 mL of reagent to a 10-mL graduatedcylinder or disposable test tube.
Carefully add 5 mL of sample to the cylinder,stopper,and invert several times or vortex to mix well.Immediately remove stopper,insert the thermometer,andrecord temperature of mixture (see Note 1).
Continue to monitor temperature of mixture forseveral minutes.Observe andrecord anyreactioncharacteristics, such as temperature increase, gas evolution,orgelling. Note that gas evolution may be observed as tinybubbles that consistently rise to surface (see 17.3).If temperature increases significantly or any reactioncharacteristics are observed, the material is reactive and failsthis test. Material which fails this test should not be testedusing 17.3.
If gas evolution is difficult to observe during 17.2,conduct the following procedure with special care in a fumehood:
Add about 5 mL of reagent to 10-mL graduatedcylinder or disposable test tube.
Carefully add 5 mL of sample to the cylinder,stopper,and invert several times or vortex to mix well.Immediately remove stopper and restopper. Lower hood sashas protection against violent reaction.
After several minutes, carefully remove stopper andobserve mixture for gas evolution. Gas evolution will beobserved as immediate venting or bubbles at surface, similar toopening a carbonated drink.
If gas evolution is observed, the material is reactiveand fails this test. If no gas evolution or other signs of reactionare observed, the material has passed the test.ASTM D5058 pdf download.
ASTM D5058-12 (2020) pdf free
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