ASTM B587-97 pdf free.Standard Specification for Welded Brass Tube.
Unless otherwise agreed upon,tube causing irrel-evant signals because of visible and identifiable handlingmarks may be retested by the hydrostatic or the pneumatic test,and tube meeting the requirements of either test shall beconsidered to conform when the dimensions are within theprescribed limits.
Tubes with discontinuities indicated by the testingunit, may at the option of the manufacturer, be reexamined orretested to determine whether the discontinuity is cause forrejection. Tube causing irrelevant signals because of minormechanical damage moisture, soil, and like effects shall not because for rejection provided the tube dimensions are still withinprescribed limits and the tube is suitable for its intendedapplication.
The internal hydrostatic pressurenecessary to produce the required fiber stress shall be deter-mined by the following equation for thin hollow cylindersunder tension.
Product that fails to conform to specification require-ments when inspected or tested by the purchaser, or purchas-er’s agent,may be rejected.
Rejection shall be reported to the manufacturer,orsupplier, promptly and in writing.The manufacturer, or supplier, may make claim for arehearing when dissatisfied with test results upon whichrejection was based.Rehearing As a result of product rejection, the manu-facturer or supplier may make claim for a retest to beconducted by the manufacturer or supplier and the purchaser.Samples of the rejected product shall be taken in accordancewith the product specification and tested by both parties asdirected in the product specification,or, alternatively,uponagreement by both parties, an independent laboratory may beselected for the test using the test methods prescribed in theproduct specification.When specified in the contract or purchase order, thepurchaser shall be furnished certification that samples repre-senting each lot have been either tested or inspected as directedin this specification and the requirements have been met.The material shall be separated by size,composition, and temper, and prepared for shipment in such amanner as to acceptance by common carrier for transportationand to afford protection from normal hazards of transportation.Each shipping unit shall be legiblymarked with the purchase order number,UNS alloy designa-tion,temper,size, shape,total length or piece count or grossand net weight,or both,name of supplier,and whether thetubes have been hydrostatic tested.The specification numbershall be shown when specified.ASTM B587 pdf download.
ASTM B587-97 pdf free
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