ASTM B570-01 pdf free.Standard Specification for Copper-Beryllium Alloy (UNS No. C17000 and C17200) Forgings and Extrusions.
The material of manufacture shall be cast or wroughtbillet of C17000 or C17200 of such purity and soundness as tobe suitable for processing into the products prescribed herein.6.1.2 The product heat number shall appear on the Certifi-cation or Test Report.The product shall be manufactured by hot workingand heat treating as may be necessary to meet the propertiesspecified herein.The product composition shall conform to the chemicalrequirements shown in Table 1.These composition limits do not preclude the presenceof other elements. Limits may be established and analysisrequired for unnamed elements by agreement between themanufacturer and the purchaser.Copper,given as remainder, is the difference betweenthe sum of all elements analyzed and 100 %. When all theelements given in Table 1 are analyzed, the sum of the resultsshall be 99.5 % minimum.The standard temper designations available under thisspecification and as prescribed in Classification B 601 aresolution heat-treated TB00(A) and precipitation heattreatedTFO0(AT).
The product furnished under this specification shallconform to the hardness requirements prescribed in Table 2 forthe solution heat-treated condition and Table 3 after precipita-tion heat treatment, unless tensile properties are required by thepurchase order. Rockwell hardness shall be determined inaccordance with Test Method E 18. When specified in the contract or purchase order, thetensile properties of the product furnished shall conform to theproperties in Table 2 or Table 3 depending upon temperrequired. Tensile properties shall be determined in accordancewith Test Methods E 8.
Solution Heat Treatment—Temper TB00(A)—Theproduct shall be heated to a uniform temperature,nominally1450°F (788°C) and quenched commensurate with the requiredproperty and structural integrity of the configuration. Precipitation Heat Treatment—Temper TF00 (AT)—The product shall be heat treated to a uniform temperature inthe range from 600 to 700°F(316 to 370°C) for a minimum of2 to 3 h and then air cooled.This is the heat treatment for theacceptance tests shown in Table 3.Special combinations of properties may be obtained byspecial precipitation heat treatments. The requirements forthese special heat treatments shall be agreed upon by themanufacturer or supplier and purchaser.ASTM B570 pdf download.
ASTM B570-01 pdf free
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