ASTM B453/B453M-01 pdf free.Standard Specification for Copper-Zinc-Lead Alloy (Leaded-Brass) Rod, Bar, and Shapes.
Supplementary Requirements:In addition, when a section with a title identical to oneof those referenced in 3.1 appears in this specification,itcontains additional requirements which supplement those ap-pearing in Specifications B 249,B 249M, B 250, or B 250M.4.Ordering Information.Include the following information in orders for product:4.1.1 ASTM designation and year of issue (for example,B453/B 453M -01),Copper Alloy UNS Number designation,4.1.3 Product (rod, bar,wire, or shape),Cross section (round, hexagonal, square, and so forth),4.1.5Temper, Dimensions (diameter or distance between parallelsurfaces),How furnished: straight lengths, coils, or reels,4.1.8 Length,Total length or number of pieces of each size,4.1.10 Weight: total for each form, and size, and When product is purchased for agencies of the U.s.government.The following are options and should be specified in theordering information when required:Tensile test for product 1/h in. [ 12 mm] and over indiameter or distance between parallel surfaces,Certification, Mill test report. The material shall conform to the chemical compositionrequirements in Table 2 for the Copper Alloy UNS No.designation specified in the ordering information.These composition limits do not preclude the presenceof other elements. Limits may be established and analysisrequired for unnamed elements by agreement between themanufacturer and the purchaser. For copper alloys in whichzinc is listed as the”remainder,”either copper or zinc may betaken as the difference between the sum of all elementsdetermined and 100 %. When copper is so determined,thatdifference value shall conform to the requirements given inTable 2. Product with a diameter or distance between parallelsurfaces of 1/ in.[12 mm] and over shall conform to therequirements of Table 3 when tested in accordance with TestMethods E 18.Rockwell hardness test results shall be the basis forproduct acceptance for mechanical properties except whentensile test is so specified in the ordering information (4.2.1).Tensile Strength Requirements:Product with diameter or distance between parallelsurfaces under 1/ in. [12 mm] shall conform to the require-ments of Table 4 when tested in accordance with Test MethodsE8 or E 8M.
When specified in the contract or purchase order,product with diameter or distance between parallel surfaces of1/in. [12 mm] and over shall conform to the tensile requirements prescribed in Table 4 for the specified temper and sizewhen tested in accordance with Test Methods E 8 or E 8M.ASTM B453 pdf download.
ASTM B453/B453M-01 pdf free
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