ASTM B441-04 pdf free.Standard Specification for Copper-Cobalt-Beryllium, Copper-Nickel-Beryllium, and Copper-Nickel-Lead-Beryllium Rod and Bar (UNS Nos. C17500, C17510, and C17465).
Product furnished to this specification shall conformto the electrical conductivity requirement given in Table 1 forthe applicable temper,when tested in accordance with ‘TestMethod E 1004 for product equal to and greater than 3/ in.(9.52 mm) in nominal diameter or distance between parallelsurfaces and other shapes having a nominal cross sectional areaexceeding 0.141 in.2 (91 mm2).On product less than 3/s in. (9.5mm) in nominal diameter or distance between parallel surfacesand other shapes having a nominal cross sectional area lessthan 0.141 in.2(91 mm2),resistivity will be measured inaccordance with Test Method B 193 and converted to conductivity.Tensile test results shall be the product acceptancecriteria, when tested in accordance with Test Methods E 8 forproduct equal to or less than 3/ in. (9.5 mm) in nominaldiameter or distance between parallel surfaces,and othershapes having a nominal cross sectional area equal to or lessthan 0.141 in.2 (91 mm2).Tensile strength requirements are given in Table 1.9.2 Rockwell hardness is the product acceptance criteria,when tested in accordance with Test Methods E 18 for productlarger than 3/s in. (9.5 mm) in nominal diameter or distancebetween parallel surfaces,and other shapes having a nominalcross sectional area larger than 0.141 in.(91 mm2).The referee product rejection criteria shall be tensiletest results, when tested in accordance with Test Methods E 18.9.3 The tension test will be used for qualification of allmaterial when specifically required by the purchaser,as insome government requirements.
The precipitation heat-treatment is performed on TB00(A) and TD04(H) tempers by the purchaser after forming.10.2 Conformance to the TF00 (AT) and THO4 (HT) speci-fication limits shown in Table 1, for products supplied in theTBO0 (A) or the TDO4 (H) tempers,shall be determined bytesting test specimens heat-treated at a uniform temperature of850 to 900°F for the times shown in Table 2. End products may be heat-treated at other times andtemperatures for specific applications.These special combinations of properties such as increased ductility,dimensionalaccuracy, and endurance strength may be obtained by specialprecipitation-hardening heat treatments. The mechanical re-quirements of Table 1 do not apply to such special heattreatment. Specific test requirements as needed shall be agreedupon between the manufacturer or the supplier and the pur-chaser of the end product.ASTM B441 pdf download.
ASTM B441-04 pdf free
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