ASTM B432-04 pdf free.Standard Specification for Copper and Copper Alloy Clad Steel Plate.
Clad plates less than 0.375 in. (9.5 mm) totalminimum composite thickness shall be visually inspected forbond integrity prior to shipment.
Clad plates 0.375 in. (9.5 mm) and thicker totalminimum composite thickness shall be ultrasonically inspectedfor bond integrity prior to shipment in accordance with theprocedures and methods of Specification A 578/A 578M.13.2.3 Areas of non-bond detected visually in 13.2.1 shallbe explored ultrasonically to determine the extent of thecondition per 13.2.2.For purposes of defining non-bond,thecladding shall be interpreted to be non-bonded when there iscomplete loss of back reflection accompanied by an echoindication from the plane of the interface of the clad andbacking steel. Areas within 1 in. (25 mm) of a cut edge on theplate that contain indications exceeding 50 % of the backreflection at the bond interface shall be considered to benon-bonded.
The extent of ultrasonic examination shall be at thediscretion of the manufacturer and sufficient to provide thequality level in 13.3 specified by the purchaser. Plates shall beexamined with 100 % coverage when Supplementary Require-ment S1 is specified.No single unbonded area exceeding 1 in.(25 mm) in its longest dimension with total unbonded area notto exceed 1 % of the total clad surface area.No single unbonded area exceeding 3 in.(75 mm) in its longest dimension with total unbonded area notto exceed 3 % of the total clad surface area.No single unbonded area exceeding 9in.2 (58 cm2) with total unbonded area not to exceed 5 % of thetotal clad surface area.The Class to be supplied shall be listed on thepurchase order. When none has been specified, plates shall befurnished as Class C.Rework of Cladding by Welding.The material manufacturer may rework defects incladding by welding provided the following requirements aremet: When specified in the purchase order, prior approvalshall be obtained from the purchaser.The welding procedure and the welders or weldingoperators shall be qualified in accordance with ASME BPVCode Section IX, as applies to overlays.ASTM B432 pdf download.
ASTM B432-04 pdf free
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