ASTM B359/B359M-02 pdf free.Standard Specification for Copper and Copper-Alloy Seamless Condenser and Heat Exchanger Tubes With Integral Fins.
Tubes that do not actuate the signaling device onthe eddy current tester shall be considered as conforming to therequirements of this test.
Flattening Test: Each test specimen shall be flattendedin a press at three (3) places along the length, each new placeto be rotated on its axis approximately one third turn from thelast flattened area.Each flattened area shall be at least 2 in. [50mm] in length. A flattened tests-pecimen shall allow a micrometer caliper set at three times the wall thickness to passfreely over the flattened area. The flattened areas of the testspecimen shall be inspected for surface defects.20.1 The manufacturer shall inspect and make the necessarytests to verify that the tubes furnished conform to the require-ments of this specification.Should the purchaser additionally elect to perform hisown inspection, the manufacturer shall, without charge, affordthe inspector all reasonable facilities to determine that the tubesbeing furnished conform to the requirements of this specification.
Except for chemical analysis,all tests and inspections shall be made at the place of manufacture prior toshipment, unless otherwise specified, and shall be so conductedas not to interfere with the operation of the facility.When automated finishing and inspection equipment isavailable at a facility,purchaser and manufacturer may, bymutual agreement,accomplish the final inspection simultaneously.Material that fails to conform to the requirements ofthis specification when inspected or tested by the purchaser, orpurchasers agent,may be rejected.Rejection shall be reported to the manufacturer,orsupplier, promptly and in writing.In case of dissatisfaction with results of the test uponwhich rejection is based, the manufacturer,or supplier,maymake claim for a rehearing.As a result of product rejection, the manu-facturer,or supplier,may make claim for a retest to beconducted by the manufacturer, or supplier, and the purchaser.Samples of the rejected product shall be taken in accordancewith the product specification and subjected to test by bothparties using the test method(s) specified in the productspecification. Alternately, upon agreement of both parties,anindependent laboratory may be selected for the test(s) using thetest method(s) specified in the product specification.When specified in the purchase order or contract,amanufacturer’s certificate of compliance shall be furnished tothe purchaser stating that samples representing each lot havebeen tested and inspected in accordance with this specificationand the requirements have been met.When material is specified to meet the requirement ofASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, certification is mandatory.
When specified in the purchase order or contract, themanufacturer or supplier shall furnish to the purchaser amanufacturer’s test report showing the results of the requiredtests.ASTM B359 pdf download.
ASTM B359/B359M-02 pdf free
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