ISO/IEC 39794-1-2019 pdf free

04-20-2021 comment

ISO/IEC 39794-1-2019 pdf free.Information technology — Extensiblebiometric data interchange formats.
This document specifies:rules and guidelines for defining extensible biometric data interchange formats that are extensiblewithout invalidating previous data structures; the meaning of common data elements for use in extensible biometric data interchange formats;- common data structures for tagged binary data formats based on an extensible specification in ASN.1;
common data structures for textual data formats based on an XML schema definition; and conformance testing concepts and methodologies for testing the syntactic conformance of biometricdata blocks.
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their contentconstitutes requirements of this document. For dated references,only the edition cited applies. Forundated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
In the case of verification and identification, the signal processing subsystem creates a biometricprobe. Sequencing and iteration of the above-mentioned processes are determined by the specifics ofeach system.
References are stored within an enrolment database held in the data storage subsystem. Each referencemay be associated with some details of the enrolled subject or the enrolment process. Prior to beingstored in the enrolment database, references may be reformatted into a biometric data interchangeformat. References may be stored within a biometric capture device, on a portable medium such as anintegrated-circuit card, on a personal computer or local server, or in a central database.
In the comparison subsystem, the features extracted from probes are compared against one or morereferences and comparison scores are passed to the decision subsystem.The comparison scores indicatethe similarities or dissimilarities between the probes and references compared. For verification, asingle specific claim of subject enrolment would lead to a single comparison score. For identification,many or all references may be compared with the probe, and a comparison score may be produced foreach comparison.
The decision subsystem uses the comparison scores generated from one or more comparison attemptsto provide the decision outcome for a verification or
In the case of verification, the probe is considered to match a compared reference when (assuming thathigher scores correspond to greater similarity] the comparison score exceeds a specified threshold.A biometric claim can then be verified on the basis of the decision policy, which may allow or requiremultiple attempts.ISO/IEC 39794 pdf download.

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