ISO 4175-1979 pdf free.Shipbuilding — Shipborne barges, series 1 — Main dimensions.
1.scope and field of application:This International Standard specifies the main dimensions and the dimensions of the principal constructional elements of shipbornebarges, series 1.
2.Definition:shipborne barges, series 1 : Barges which are handled aboard a barge carrier by special ship crane, by elevator or by a systernbased on the floating-dock principle.
3.Barge dimensions:The main dimensions of series 1 barges shall be in accordance with table 1.
4.Dimensions of principal constructional elements:To provide interchangeability when stowing and handling barges ahoard a harge cariar by a ship crane, the dimensions af the pin-cipal constructional elements are specified in table 2.
Projections extending above the deck between lifting posts shall not exceed 152 mm.Projections above the deck in all other areasshall be limited to 610 mm.Any projections above those specitlied will intertere with the litting frame of the shipboard crane.
5.Wedging surfaces:The barges shall have wedging surfaces in the deck end for fixing them in the hold of the barge carrier.
Each wedging surface shall be capable of withstanding a force of 1,78 MN applied horizontlly.This force may be applied on each ofthe two top surfaces or each of the two bottom surtaces, but not on all four surfaces simultaneously.The location and dimensions ofthe wedging surfaces shall be in accordance with figure 2.
6.Tolerances:Table 3 specifies the tolerances for those dimensions which determine the interchangeability of the barges with respect to theirhandling by ship crane and stacking in the hold of the barge carrier.
NOTE -Dimensions for which tolerances are not specified in this International Standeard may be toleranced in accordance with natonalshipbuildingstandards.
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation ofnational standards institutes (IS0 member bodies). The work of developing Interna-tional Standards is carried out through ISO technical committees.Every member bodyinteresled in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the right tobe represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with lSO, also take part in the work.ISO 4175 pdf download.
ISO 4175-1979 pdf free
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