IEEE 805-1984 pdf free

04-27-2021 comment

IEEE 805-1984 pdf free.IEEE Recommended Practice for Systemldentification in Nuclear Power Plantsand Related Facilities.
1.IEEE 805 practice provides a single source of nuclear power plant system descriptions which, along withrelated recommended practices concerning unique identification principles and definitions,component functionidentifiers, and implermentation instructions,makes up a concept for uniquely identifying systems, structures, andcomponents of light water nuclear power plant projects (electric power generating stations) and related facilities.Fossil, hydro, and other types of power plants are not included in this edition.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this series of recommended practices is to present a common language of communication which willpermit a user to correlate a system, structure, or component with another organization for the purposes of reporting,comparison,or general communication. It does not require a using organization to change its own internalidentification concept, but if the organization chooses to do so it has only to transcode at the interface from theirinternal language to this common language concept.
The user may choose to adopt this concept for internal organizational use. It represents the accumulated practice of theindustry assimilated into one set of practices. A significant feature of this concept is that the unique identification codeidentifies the function at the component level and not the hardware itself.
The system descriptions concentrate on system function and include such internal details as is necessary to clearlysupport the system function description. They are not intended to serve as design input. System diagrams also showconnections with major interfacing systems, and major components in these interfacing systems, where appropriate toenhance communication of the system function.The system description grouping, as indicated by the first character of the two-alpha-character code, is designed to favor the convenience of plant operation rather than plant design andconstruction.
The system descriptions and diagrams represent typical systems and are not intended for design purposes. When asystem function can be accomplished by significantly different system internal designs,the system descriptionincludes a brief identification of major design alternatives to serve as an aid for correlating plant specific systemdesigns with this classification concept. The differences among PWR system nomenclature and system designs werenot included in this classification concept because of the functional similarity among the different PWR designs, Asingle set of system nomenclature and system boundaries has been defined for all PWR designs.
The major differences between PWR and BWR system nomenclature and system internal designs have been preservedin that separate system descriptions and diagrams are provided, where appropriate.
The symbols used in the system diagrams were selected to represent accepted practice as much as possible.IEEE 805 pdf download.

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