IEEE 802.3h-1990 pdf free.Supplement to Carier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMACD) Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications.
IEEE 802.3h Number of frames aborted due to excessiveCollision: Recommended,Readonly, 32 bit counter.
This contains a count of the frames that due to excessive collisions are nottransmitted successfully. This counter is incremented when the value of theattempts variable equals attemptLimit during a transmission. The actual up-date occurs in the LayerMgmtTransmitCounters procedure (
Number of frames lost due to internalMACTransmit Error: Recom-mended, Read only,32 bit counter.
This contains a count of frames that would otherwise be transmitted by thestation, but could not be sent due to an internal MAC sublayer transmit error.If this counter is incremented, then none of the other counters in this sectionare incremented. The exact meaning and mechanism for incrementing thiscounter is implementation-dependent.
Number of carrierSenseErrors: Recommended,Read only,32 bit counter.This contains a count of times that the carrierSense variable was not assertedor was deasserted during the transmission of a frame without collision (see7.2.4.6). This counter is incremented when the carrierSenseFailure flag istrue at the end of transmission. The actual update occurs in the LayerMgmt-TransmitCounters procedure (
Number of frames with excessiveDeferral: Optional,Read only,32 bitcounter.
This contains a count of frames that deferred for an excessive period of time.This counter may only be incremented once per LLC transmission. Thiscounter is incremented when the excessDefer flag is set. The actual updateoccurs in the LayerMgmtTransmitCounters procedure (
Number of framesReceivedOK: Mandatory,Read only,32 bit counter.This contains a count of frames that are successfully received (receiveOK).This does not include frames received with frame-too-long, FCS,length oralignment errors,or frames lost due to internal MAC sublayer error. Thiscounter is incremented when the ReceiveStatus is reported as receiveOK. Theactual update occurs in the LayerMgmtReceiveCounters procedure ( Number of octetsReceivedOK: Recommended, Read only,32 bit counter.This contains a count of data and padding octets in frames that are success-fully received. This does not include octets in frames received with frame-too-long,FCS,length or alignment errors,or frames lost due to internal MACsublayer error. This counter is incremented when the result of a reception isreported as a receiveOK status. The actual update occurs in the Layer MgmtReceiveCounters procedure ( 802.3h pdf download.
IEEE 802.3h-1990 pdf free
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