IEEE 749-1983 pdf free.IEEE Standard Periodic Testing of Diesel-Generator Units Applied as Standby Power Supplies in Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
IEEE 749 of the following stan-dards were utilized in the preparation of thisstandard.
where conflicts occur between this standardand any reference standards, the provisions setforth herein shall govern.
[1] ANSI/IEEE Std 100-1977,IEEE StandardDictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms.[ 2]ANSI/IEEE Std 308-1980,IEEE StandardCriteria for Class 1E Power Systems for Nu-clear Power Generating Stations.
[3]ANSI/IEEE Std 338-1977,IEEE Standard.Criteria for the Periodic Testing of NuclearPower Generating Station Safety Systems.
[4] IEEE Std 387-1977,IEEE Standard Cri-teria for Diesel-Generator Units Applied asStandby Power Supplies for Nuclear PowerGenerating Stations.
These tests demonstrate startingand load acceptance capability. Each diesel-generator unit shall be tested independentlyfrom its redundant counterparts. These testsshall be performed at intervals of 31 days orless,as required in 6.2,depending upon thedemonstratedperformance ofeach diesel-generator unit, and shall include the following tests :
(1)Demonstrate proper starting of a diesel-generator unit and verify that required voltageand frequencyare : achieved automaticallywithin prescribed limits and time.
(2)Demonstrate the full loadcarryingcapability (continuousrating) of a diesel-generator unit. The test should be run for asufficient interval to allow the diesel engine toreach equilibrium temperature and for a mini-mum of 1 h thereafter. The load test shouldbe conducted immediately after the start testhas brought the diesel-generator unit to theprescribed voltage and frequency.
Thestartand load testsshallinclude the following pertinent steps in addition to the steps listed in 5.1.8.
(1)Manuallyapplyload to the diesel-generator unit at the maximum practical rateuntil continuous rating is reached.
(2)un the diesel-generator unit at full load(continuous rating) and record the temperaturedata specified in Table 1 at reasonable intervalsto determine when engine equilibrium temperature is reached.un the diesel generator unitfor aminimum of 1 h after the engine equilibriumtemperature has been reached.
This testshall include thefollowing pertinent steps in addition to thesteps listed in 5.1.8.
Simulate an accident signal and allow thediesel-generator unit to startand achievenominal rated voltage and speed. Then simu-late a loss of off-site power and verify that theemergency bus is de-energized and applicableloads are shed. Verify that the diesel-generatorunit reenergizes the emergency bus, the appli-cable accident loads are properly sequenced,and the voltage and frequency remain withinthe prescribed limits, and stabilize.IEEE 749 pdf download.
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