IEEE 671-1985 pdf free.IEEE Standard Specification FormatGuide and Test Procedure for Nongyroscopic Inertial Angular Sensors: Jerk,Acceleration, Velocity,and Displacement.
IEEE 671 defines the requirements and test procedures for a [single, multi-] axis nongyroscopic angular ljerk,acceleration,velocity, displacement] sensor. The output is [an analog electrical signal, a digital electrical pulse train]proportional to angular [jerk, acceleration,velocity, displacement]. The electronics are to be considered part of thesensor to the extent specified herein. All parameters specified in this standard refer to the overall sensor output unlessotherwise specified. The device will hereafter be referred to as the sensor.
In some instances, the sensor mechanism and the electronics may be housed in separate packages. In these cases,the term sensor may be reserved for the mechanism, while the overall device is called the transducer,accelerometer, etc.
The following documents of the issue in effect on the date of invitation for bids or request for proposal form a part ofthe specification to the extent specified herein. In the event of any conflict between the requirements of this standardand the listed documents, the requirements of this standard shall govern.Give identification number, title, date of issue, and revision letter of each listed document.
ANSIIEEE Std 100-1984,IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms.1
IEEE Std 528-1984,IEEE Standard Inertial Sensor Terminology.
The units and symbols used in this standard comply with:
ANSIIEEE Std 260-1978 (R1985),IEEE Standard Letter Symbols for Units of Measurement (Sl Units,Customary Inch-Pound Units, and Certain Other Units)ANSI/IEEE Std 268-1982,IEEE Standard Metric Practice
ANSIIEEE Std 315-1975,IEEE Standard Graphic Symbols for Electrical and Electronics Diagrams
In the event of conflict among the purchase agreement, this standard, and other documents referred to herein, the orderof precedence shall be as follows:
1) The purchase agreement
2)This standard and its applicable drawings3)Other applicable documents
List other applicable documents in order of precedence. See Section 2.
The angular ljerk, acceleration, velocity, displacement] sensor is a [single, multi-] axis, nongyroscopic device whichprovides [an analog electrical signal, a digital electrical pulse rate] proportional to angular ljerk, acceleration, velocity.displacement], and associated electronics as shown in Fig 1.
lf a torque balance capture loop is used, specify if it is to be part of the device or the test equipment. Theinformation shown in Fig 1 is intended to be suggestive only, due to the large variety of sensors which it canrepresent. Figure 1 is not intended as a replacement for the outline drawing, but rather provides a means of clearlydistinguishing the device being specified from the remainder of the system.IEEE 671 pdf download.
IEEE 671-1985 pdf free
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