IEEE 664-1980 pdf free.IEEE Guide on the Measurement of the Performance of Aeolian Vibration Dampers for Single Conductors.
IEEE 664 of measuring the energy dissipation of a conductor, or of a damper, is far frombeing a simple exercise. For example,when adamper is attached to a conductor in a span, itusually modifies the mode-shape of the loop inwhich it is attached.Not only is the amplitudeof the loop changed as compared with a freeloop,that is,without damper.but the looplength is either shortened or lengthened depending on the characteristics of the damper for theparticular frequency under consideration. Undersome conditions, the damper may force a nodeat its point of attachment.Thus the conductordissipation in the damper loop may be differentfrom that in a free loop at the same amplitude.In addition,due to the high level of dampingnormally present when a damper is applied toa conductor span,modes,other than the oneresonated,are excited;these complicate thedetermination of the dissipation of the damper.Furthermore,the vibration amplitude of theconductor damper system tends to be some-what unstable,due in part to some dampertypes having nonlinear response characteristicswith amplitude. A principal objective of thisguide is to provide methods of determiningdamper characteristics which are reasonablypractical and economical rather than beingfully substantiated theoretically. It is a furtherobjective to encourage interested organizationsto provide facilities for undertaking measure-ments.The methods recommended in this guideare expected to provide greatly improved understanding and procedures for designing vibrationcontrol. The recommended methods will not lead to errors that are incompatible with thepresent technical position of the aeolian vibration problem.
Another objective of this guide is to provideinformation on the resulting conductor dynamicstrain at terminating clamps.This is the measurable parameter most closely related to thefatigue life of the conductor and determineswhether or not the vibration levels are safe.Since precise location of the maximum strain isnot predictable,and since the relationship between bending amplitude and conductor strain[2] is reasonably well established and accepted,it is recommended that bending amplitude bedetermined simultaneously with the damperperformance. For this purpose,it is essential that the conductor be rigidly supported at thetermination blocks,rather than by flexuremembers. See IEEE Std 563-1978.
The bending amplitude is defined as the totalexcursion or displacement measured relative tothe clamp and at a point 90 mm from the lastpoint of contact between the clamp and theconductor. The matter of damper fatigue is nota subject of this guide. The information providedfor determining safe vibration levels,however,can also be used for setting conditions underwhich dampers must operate without failure.In this connection, it is helpful for analyzingthe results to measure the amplitude of thedamper clamp and to include this informationin the summarizing table.IEEE 664 pdf download.
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