ASTM F925-13 (2020) pdf free.Standard Test Method for Resistance to Chemicals of Resilient Flooring.
1.1A new medicine dropper or pipette should be used foreach test reagent. If the same reagent dispenser apparatus is tobe reused, it shall be thoroughly cleaned in hot soapy water andalcohol, or both, prior to applying each different test reagent.
1.2 Check to be sure the colorimeter is properly warmed upand calibrated prior to use.
1.3 Be sure specimens are held flat when measuring color.
1.4 Be sure each specimen is marked in the corner on theback for easy identification.
15 Dispose of chemical test reagents properly. Refer toMaterial Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) or precautions on thelabel for proper disposal. (Warning—Observe all necessaryprecautions when handling test reagents known to be flam-mable or potentially hazardous.)
If using test equipment such as an indentation tester,thickness tester or color spectrophotometer to help quantifyspecimen change,take initial readings on the unexposedspecimen and record values as indicated in Fig. 1.All mea-surements should be taken on a relatively flat spot,corresponding as closely as possible to the center of the test square.8.5 When evaluating multiple product samples for resis-tance to chemicals,test in stages to permit sufficient time forcleaning and observing panels. Record results on Fig. 2.8.6 For testing liquid reagents, center a piece of filter paperwithin the test square,using a medicine dropper or pipette,deposit 6-8 drops of test reagent or a sufficient amount tothoroughly wet the filter paper.
If the test reagent is a paste,apply a thin layer(approximately /o in. (1.6 mm) thick) directly to the test area.Use a spatula or other convenient means.
Place a watch glass cover over the reagent and allow thetest reagent to remain in contact with the test area for 60 1min.
Remove filter paper with tweezers. Blot (do not rub)residual liquid with a dry facial tissue. For paste reagents,lightly scrape surface with the spatula to remove reagent andwipe area with dry facial tissue. Particular care must be takenduring scraping and blotting so as not to disturb the exposedsurface more than necessary. If residual reagent remains on the surface, lightly cleanthe exposed area with water or mild solvent,such as isopro-panol or odorless mineral spirits,then blot dry with facialtissue.ASTM F925 pdf download.
ASTM F925-13 (2020) pdf free
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