ASTM F3072-14 (2020) pdf free.Standard Guide for Intermediate Wilderness GPS/GNSS Use (GPS/GNSS-IIW)Endorsement.
This guide establishes the minimum knowledge, skills,and abilities required to use a GPS/GNSS receiver to navigatein the wilderness. A person trained to this guide shall beendorsed for Intermediate Wilderness GPS/GNSS Use (GPS/GNSS-IIW Endorsed).
Every person who is endorsed for Intermediate Wil-derness GPS/GNSS Use shall have met the requirements of thisguide.
This guide is the second level of training for wildernessGPS/GNSS use, and only establishes the minimum knowledge,skills,and abilities required for a person to navigate with aGPS/GNSS receiver in a wilderness environment. No otherskills are included or implied.
In addition to meeting the requirements of this guide, aperson endorsed for Intermediate Wilderness GPS/GNSS Useshall also be adequately trained to travel and work in awilderness environment.Depending on the regulations or policies of the AHJ,additional knowledge,skills,or abilities may be requiredbefore a person who meets the requirements in this guide mayuse a GPS/GNSS receiver to navigate in a wilderness environment.
Nothing in this guide precludes an AHJ from addingadditional requirements for its own members.
This guide by itself is not a complete training only specifies the knowledge, skills, and abilities required foran individual to be endorsed for Intermediate WildernessGPS/GNSS Use. This guide may,however, be used in thedevelopment of, or as part of, a complete training document orprogram.Though this guide establishes only minimum training, itdoes not imply that a person endorsed for IntermediateWilderness GPS/GNSS Use is a“trainee,”“probationary”,orother similar term member of an organization. The AHJ isresponsible for determining the requirements and qualificationsfor member or employee ratings.
This guide can be used to evaluate a document todetermine if its content includes the necessary topics fortraining a person to be endorsed for Intermediate WildernessGPS/GNSS Use.Likewise, the guide can be used to evaluatean existing training program to see if it meets the requirementsof this guide.
The information in the following sections is not pre-sented in any particular order and does not represent a trainingsequence.
Except where a physical skill or ability must be shown,the AHJ is responsible for determining the best way to evaluatea person’s knowledge, skill, and ability. This may be by writtenexam, oral exam, demonstration,or some combination of thethree.ASTM F3072 pdf download.
ASTM F3072-14 (2020) pdf free
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