ASTM F2519-05 (2020) pdf free

04-12-2021 comment

ASTM F2519-05 (2020) pdf free.Standard Test Method for Grease Particle Capture Efficiency of Commercial KitchenFilters and Extractors.
After any alcohol evaporation necessary, the aerosolshall be brought to a Boltzman electrostatic charge distributionby a beta or gamma radiation generator with an activity of atleast 185 MBq (5 mCi) or a corona discharge ionizer. Thecorona discharge ionizer shall have a minimum corona currentof 3 uA and shall be balanced to provide equal amounts ofpositive and negative ions.
The test aerosol shall be injected vertically upward ata point centered on the heated surface (front to back and sideto side) and from 11 to 13 in. in height above the surface of theheat source. The injection system design is discretionaryprovided it fulfills the requirement.Aerosol Sampling Probe, for sampling particles in theexhaust duct.The probe shall be sharp edged and designed forisokinetic sampling at the given average duct velocity.The design criterion for the sampling system shall beto provide a particle transport of >50 % for 10 um diameteroleic acid particles from the sampling probe inlet within theexhaust duct to the inlet of the particle counter.Diluters,if used, shall provide equal dilution of bothsamples taken with and without the test filter installed in thehood. Dilution of just the sample without the filter installed isdisallowed.
Particle Counters,permitted are optical counters(OPC) with wide-angle collection optics or other countersdemonstrating good correlation in measuring particle sizeefficiencies,such as an aerodynamic particle counter (APC).An APC shall first be tested with oleic acid aerosol to establishthe relationship between the aerodynamic particle size and thelight-scattering particle size determined by an OPC. Calibratethe APC with polystyrene latex (PSL) spheres and use therelationship to express results as equivalent light-scatteringsize of oleic acid.
Data Acquisition System(s),for monitoring and record-ing the surface temperature distribution on the griddle,thetemperature and relative humidity of the makeup air,thetemperature in the exhaust duct, and the particle concentrationversus size in the exhaust duct, is discretionary.The test aerosol shall be liquid oleic acidparticles generated from a solution.The oleic acid shall bereagent grade. The solution may consist of 100 % oleic acid. Ifnecessary, reagent grade isopropyl alcohol may be used in thesolution to assist the performance of the aerosol generator. Thevolume of isopropyl alcohol shall be based on the manufacturer’s specification for the generator.ASTM F2519 pdf download.

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