ASTM D868-10 (2020) pdf free.Standard Practice for Determination of Degree of Bleeding of Traffic Paint.
Paint Composition for Use as a Control-The paintcomposition shown in Table 1 can be used as a control whenapplied to 6.8 kg (15 lb) felt. This formulation will show severebleeding when applied on a coal tar substrate and a somewhatlower degree of bleeding when applied on the asphalt feltsubstrate.
Cut 125 by 255 mm (5 by 10 in.) pieces from a roll ofcoal tar or asphalt substrate.The specimens shall be cut at least127 mm (5 in.) in from the edge.
Prepare the non-bleeding contrast surface by attaching a25 mm (1 in.) of cellophane tape to the coal tar or asphaltsubstrate piece using firm pressure. The tape shall be posi-tioned so that the outside edge is at least 25 mm ( 1 in.) from theedge and parallel to the edge of the substrate piece.
Place the test panel on a smooth flat surface (such as aglass panel), with the tape side up on the left, and hold in a flatposition by weighting down the edges.
Draw the paint under test down over the specimen panelin such a manner that the entire width of the tape is covered,leaving the remainder of the film to the right of the tape indirect contact with the test panels.Apply the paint under test ata thickness to ensure complete hiding.
Immediately after completion of 48-h drying, determinethe contrast in color between the portion of the film over thetape and that portion that is in direct contact with the test panelsusing one of the following two procedures.The procedure usedshall be agreed upon by purchaser and seller.
Measure color in accordance with Test MethodE1347 in the non-bleed reference area and in the area wherebleeding is allowed to occur. Make these measurements in atleast three positions in both the non-bleed reference area and inthe area where bleeding is allowed to occur. Determine theratio between the CIELvalue measured for the area wherebleeding is allowed to the CIE Lvalue measured in thenon-bleed reference area.Calculate the average of these ratios. Alternatively,determine the delta E in accordancewith Practice D2244 for the area where bleeding is allowed tooccur compared to the non-bleed reference area. Calculate theaverage of the delta E values. compare the contrast between the non-bleed reference area and the area where bleeding is allowed tooccur to the reference photograph in Fig.1.ASTM D868 pdf download.
ASTM D868-10 (2020) pdf free
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