ASTM D645/D645M-97 pdf free.Standard Test Method for Thickness of Paper and Paperboard.
Condition all specimens in accordance with PracticeD 685 prior to testing for thickness. Conduct all tests forthickness in a room or chamber in which the atmosphericconditions of Practice D 685 are maintained.
Before using any micrometer, make sure thatthe presser foot and anvil surfaces are clean, that the calibrationof the instrument has been verified and a calibration curve hasbeen prepared, if necessary, and that the instrument is mountedon a solid level surface free from noticeable vibration.Place the specimen on the anvil in such a position thatall points on the peripheries of the contact surface are at least6 mm (0.25 in.) from the edges of the specimen.
When using multiple-sheet test specimens includingcombined paperboard, the presser foot shall not be closer than20 mm (0.75 in.) from any edge of the stack.Take a specified number of measurements mutuallyagreed upon between the producer and the consumer. Measureat regular intervals across the entire width of each specimen,preferably in a line that is at right angles to the machinedirection of the paper. In all cases,make at least five suchmeasurements on each specimen, except if only an estimate oflot or test unit average is required (that is, variations ofthickness within a sheet are of no interest).Then only tworeadings per specimen need be made.
Take each reading near the end of the dwell time. Ifnecessary,apply the calibration corrections to the readings.9.5 If the thickness of noticeably compressible papers isbeing measured, it is particularly important that the rate of fallof the presser foot and the dwell time be within the specifiedlimits.(See 5.1.5 and 5.1.6.)Examples of noticeably compress-ible papers include tissue paper, or other soft or low-densitypapers.
Place the specimen between the contact surfaces andlower the pressure foot onto the specimen at a location outsideof the area to be measured. Note this trial reading.Raise thepressure foot, move the specimen to the measurement position,lower the pressure foot to within 0.008 mm [0.0003 in.] of thesurface of the specimen (that is, to the previous reading plus0.008 mm) and then release the pressure foot.ASTM D645 pdf download.
ASTM D645/D645M-97 pdf free
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