ASTM D2803-09 (2020) pdf free.Standard Guide for Testingiform Corrosion Resistance of Organic Coatings on
1.1 This guide covers three procedures for determining the susceptibility of organic-coated melal substrates to formation of hlitorm CorroSiofl.
1.2 This guide is limited to the determination of whether liliform corrosion will occur between the organic coating and substrate.
1.3 The values stated in SI units arc to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.
NOTE I—Pncdurc H of this siandani is cquiaIcnt to ISO 4623.
I .4 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recogni:ed principles on sta,,dardizat ion established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards. Guides and Recant,nendaiions issued by the World Trade Or anization Technical Barriers to Trade TBT Committe.
4. Summary of Method
4.1 Coated metal specimens are scribed and placed in a corrosive atmosphere to initiate corrosion. The specimens are then exposed to controlled temperature and humidity condilions kflowfl to be conducive to tilitorm corrosion.
4.2 In Procedure A, panels are subjected to a preliminary exposure in the sak spray cabinet to initiate corrosion, rinsed. and placed in a humidity cabinet. In Procedure B. based on ISO 4623. panels are either exposed to salt spray or dipped in a salt solution but not rinsed before placing in the humidity cabinet operated at a higher temperature than in Procedure A. In Procedure C. specimens are exposed as in Procedure A except the humidity cabinet is operated at a higher temperawre.
4.3 The procedures contained in this guide differ significantly in method of initiation, and or temperature. or both, and humidity of exposure and therefore may not yield comparable resu Its.
5. Signihcance and Use
5.1 Some organic coatings applied to metal substrates exhibit liliform corrosion when there is a break in the coating film and the relative humidity is in the 70 to 95 % range.
5.2 This guide can be used to determine the susceptibility of organic coated metal substrates to the formation of filiform corrosion.ASTM D2803 free download.
ASTM D2803-09 (2020) pdf free
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