ASTM B577-93 pdf free.Standard Test Methods for Detection of Cuprous Oxide (Hydrogen Embrittlement Susceptibility) in Copper.
A furnace of sufficient capacity,capable of maintain-ing the required reducing atmosphere while the specimens arebeing heated. A rapid cooling device using either water or areducing atmosphere is required.
A machinist vise with replaceable matching pairs ofjaw mandrels of various radii contours.
Sampling shall be in accordance with the requirementsof the specification under which the material was ordered.8.Test Specimens
Longitudinal specimens, that is,specimens whose axesare parallel to the direction of working are preferable. However, equally reliable results can be obtained with specimens inwhich the axis is perpendicular to the directions of working.This test method describes a procedure by which thepresence of cuprous oxide is determined by microscopicalexamination under normal illumination at a minimum magni-fication of 75× after thermal treatment of the specimens.Heat the cleaned and degreased specimens whichretain at least one original surface for 20 to 40 min in anatmosphere of at least 10 % hydrogen within a furnace held ata temperature of 156 245°F (850 25°C).
After the heat treatment,immediately remove andquench the specimens in water without undue exposure to airor quickly cool the specimens in the same atmosphere.The test specimens taken transverse to and bounded byan original surface of the treated material are mounted andpolished, and etched when desired, in accordance with PracticeE3.Photomicrographs, when taken,shall be prepared inaccordance with Guide E 883. Cuprous oxide (hydrogen embrittlement) when presentin the material tested will manifest itself by the open grainstructure (gassing) characteristic of embrittlement. For ex-ample, the grain structure is outlined by a series of voids at thegrain boundary. In case of controversy concerning the presence orabsence of cuprous oxide (hydrogen embrittlement),Method Cor D, as specified in the product specification,shall befollowed.
After the heat treatment,immediately remove andquench the specimens in water without undue exposure to airor quickly cool the specimens in the same atmosphere.At ambient temperature,clamp the specimen lightlybetween jaws with edges having a radius of two and a halftimes the thickness (or diameter) of the material being tested.19.3.1 An original surface of the material shall be sopositioned as to be on the outer bend radius.Bend the specimen over one edge of the clamp jawsthrough an angle of 90° and return the specimen to the originalposition; this constitutes one bend.Bend the specimen in the opposite direction through anangle of 90° and return the specimen to the original position;this constitutes a second bend. Continue making bends in alternating directions untilthe required number of bends have been made or the specimenfractures.ASTM B577 pdf download.
ASTM B577-93 pdf free
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