ASTM B514-95 pdf free.Standard Specification for Welded Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Pipe.
Samples for Product(Check) Analysis—State whethersamples for product (check) analysis should be furnished. Purchaser Inspection—If the purchaser wishes towitness tests or inspection of material at the place of manu-facture, the purchase order must so state indicating which testsor inspections are to be witnessed.Materials and Manufacture:Pipe shall be made from flat-rolled alloy by an auto-matic welding process with no addition of filler metal.Subsequent to welding and prior to final solution treatment,thematerial shall be cold worked either in both weld and basemetal or in weld metal only.
Pipe shall be furnished with a scale-free finish. Whenbright annealing is used, descaling is not necessary.
The material shall conform to the requirements as tochemical composition prescribed in Table. If a product (check) analysis is performed by thepurchaser, the material shall conform to the product (check)analysis variations in Table 1 of Specification B 775.
The material shall conform tothe requirements for mechanical properties prescribed in Table1.
A transverse sample representing the full-wall thickness of annealed alloys UNS N08120 and N08810shall conform to an average grain size of ASTM No. 5 orcoarser.Flattening Test Pipe shall be capable of withstanding,without cracking, flattening under a load applied gradually atroom temperature until the distance between the platens is fivetimes the wall thickness. The weld shall be positioned 90 degfrom the direction of the applied flattening force.
Alloy UNS N08120 shall beannealed at 2150°F (1177°C) minimum; alloy UNS N08810shall be annealed at 2050°F (1120°C) minimum.
Nondestructive Test Requirements:Each piece of each lot shall be subject toone of the following four tests: hydrostatic,pneumatic (airunderwater), eddy current, or ultrasonic.Each piece in each lot shall be subjectedto a leak test and an electric test as follows:Hydrostatic or pneumatic (air underwa-ter).
The manufacturer shall have the option to test Category1 or Category 2 and select the nondestructive test methods, ifnot specified by the purchaser.ASTM B514 pdf download.
ASTM B514-95 pdf free
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