ASTM B424-98a pdf free.Standard Specification for Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo-Cu Alloy (UNS N08825 and UNS N08221) Plate,Sheet, and Strip.
The edgewise curvature (depth of chord) of flat sheet,strip, and plate shall not exceed 0.05 in. (1.27 mm) multipliedby the length in feet (0.04 mm multiplied by the length incentimetres).Straightness for coiled material is subject to agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser.When finished edges of strip are specified in thecontract or order, the following descriptions shall apply: Square-edge strip shall be supplied with finishededges, with sharp, square corners, without bevel or rounding.Round-edge strip shall be supplied with finishededges,semicircular in form, the diameter of the circle formingthe edge being equal to the strip thickness.When no description of any required form of stripedge is given,it shall be understood that edges such as thoseresulting from slitting or shearing will be acceptable. Plate shall have sheared or cut (machined, abrasivecut, powder cut, or inert arc cut) edges, as specified.Squareness (Sheet)—For sheets of all thicknesses,theangle between adjacent sides shall be 90±0.15° (/o in. in 24in.) (1.6 mm in 610 mm).
Flatness—Standard flatness tolerances for plate shallconform to the requirements of Table 11. ”Specifically-flattened”’plate,when so specified,shall have permissiblevariations in flatness as agreed upon between the manufacturerand the purchaser.The material shall be uniform in quality and temper,smooth,commercially straight or flat,and free of injuriousimperfections. A lot for chemical analysis shall consist of one heat.9.1.2 A lot for mechanical testing shall consist of allmaterial from the same heat, nominal thickness, and condition. Where material cannot be identified by heat,a lotshall consist of not more than 500 1b (227 kg) of material in thesame thickness and condition, except for plates weighing over500 lb (227 kg), in which case only one specimen shall betaken.Representative samples fromeach lot shall be taken during pouring or subsequent processing.
Product (check) analysis shall be wholly the respon-sibility of the purchaser.Mechanical Properties—Samples of the material toprovide test specimens for mechanical properties shall be takenfrom such locations in each lot as to be representative of thatlot.ASTM B424 pdf download.
ASTM B424-98a pdf free
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