ISO/IEC 17000-2020 pdf free

04-21-2021 comment

ISO/IEC 17000-2020 pdf free.Conformity assessment — Vocabularyand general principles.
This document specifies general terms and definitions relating to conformity assessment (including theaccreditation of conformity assessment bodies)and to the use of conformity assessment to facilitate trade.The general principles of conformity assessment and a description of the functional approach toconformity assessment are provided in Annex A.
Conformity assessment interacts with other fields such as management systems,metrology,standardization and statistics. The boundaries of conformity assessment are not defined in thisdocument.There are no normative references in this document.
conformity assessment:demonstration that specified requirements (5.1) are fulfilled
Note 1 to entry: The process of conformity assessment as described in the functional approach in Annex A canhave a negative outcome, i.e. demonstrating that the specified requirements are not fulfilled.
Note 2 to entry:Conformity assessment includes activities defined elsewhere in this document, such as but notlimited to testing(6.2), inspection (6.3), validation (6.5),verification (6.6),certification(7Z6), and accreditation (77).Note 3 to entry:Conformity assessment is explained in Annex A as a series of functions.Activities contributing toany of these functions can be described as conformity assessment activities.
Note 4 to entry: This document does not include a definition of “conformity “. “Conformity”does not feature in thedefinition of “conformity assessment”.Nor does this document address the concept of compliance.
object of conformity assessmentobject.entity to which specified requirements (5.1) apply
EXAMPLE Product, process, service, system, installation, project, data, design, material, claim, person, bodyor organization, or any combination thereof.
Note 1 to entry: The term “body” is used in this document to refer to conformity assessment bodies (4.6) andaccreditation bodies (4.7). The term “organization”is used in its general meaning and may include bodiesaccording to the context. The more specific ISO/IEC Guide 2 definition of an organization as a body based onmembership is not applicable to the field of conformity assessment (4.1).
conformity assessment activity that is performed by the person or organization that provides or that isthe object of conformity assessment (4.2)
Note 1 to entry: The first, second- and third-party descriptors used to characterize conformity assessmentactivities in relation to a given object are not to be confused with the legal identification of the relevant partiesto a contract.
EXAMPLE Activities performed by providers, designers or owners of the object,investors in the object, andadvertisers or promoters of the object.
Note 2 to entry: lf an activity is performed by an external body acting on behalf of and controlled by a person ororganization that provides or is the object, the activity is still called a first-party conformity assessment activity(e.g.internal audits performed by a consultant who is not part of the organization).
second-party conformity assessment activity.conformity assessment activity that is performed by a person or organization that has a user interest inthe object of conformity assessment (4.2).Note 1 to entry: The first , second- and third-party descriptors used to characterize conformity assessmentactivities in relation to a given object are not to be confused with the legal identification of the relevant partiesto a contract.
EXAMPLE Persons or organizations performing second-party conformity assessment activities include, forexample, purchasers or users of products, or potential customers seeking to rely on a supplier’s managementsystem, or organizations representing those interests.Examples of organizations representing user interestinclude consumer advocacy organizations, regulators implementing legislation governing products and servicesfor the protection of consumer and public interests, centralized government procurement organizations andprivate sector purchasing agents.ISO/IEC 17000 pdf download.

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