ISO 6292-2020 pdf free.Powered industrial trucks andtractors — Brake performance andcomponent strength.
This document specifies performance, test methods, controls, control forces and component strengthfor brake systems fitted to the following, as defined in lSO 5053-1:powered industrial trucks of all capacities; towing and pushing tractors up to and including 66 750 N drawbar pull (hereafter referred to as
industrial tractors);burden carriers; and industrial trucks handling freight containers.
Loss of electrical power and loss of any other form of power assistance is not covered by this document.Braking systems used in emergency situations (e.g.activating the emergency switch or control systemshut down) are not covered in this document.
This document only includes requirements for newly manufactured trucks.
brake that meets one of the following conditions:
a) the temperature measured at the periphery of the disc or on the outside of the drum is below 100 °C;
b) in the case of totally enclosed brakes including oil-immersed brakes,the temperature on the outsideof the housing is below 50 C or within the manufacturer’s specification;
c)the brake has not been operated in the previous 1 h
<lining effectiveness> test procedure consisting of one or more brake applications or the continuousdragging of the brake to generate heat with the effect that differences in braking performance (3.2) ifany, can be observed
[SOURCE: ISO 611:2003,8.4]3.6
lining burnishing:pre-test conditioning procedure for obtaining a specified degree of geometric, physical and chemicaladaptation between the brake lining surface and the drum or disc
laden mass:foreseen maximum laden truck mass likely to occur in the intended use of the truck, taking intoaccount various combinations of optional equipment and the actual capacity applicable at the lift heightspecified for the tests (where relevant)
parking braking system:braking system (3.3) allowing a truck to be held stationary mechanically, even on an inclined surface,particularly in the absence of the operator
service braking system:braking system (3.3) allowing the operator to control, directly or indirectly, the speed of the truck or tobring the truck to a halt
stopping distanceso:distance travelled by the truck during the total braking time, i.e. distance travelled by the truck fromthe instant when the driver begins to actuate the control device until the instant when the truck stopsNote 1 to entry: Control device is part of the braking system(3.3) which initiates its operation.Control devices ofindustrial trucks are defined in IS0 3691-1:2011,, and 6292 pdf download.
ISO 6292-2020 pdf free
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