ISO 21202-2020 pdf free

04-23-2021 comment

ISO 21202-2020 pdf free.Intelligent transport systems — Partially automated lane changesystems (PALS) — Functional /operational requirements and testprocedures.
This document contains the basic control strategy, minimum functionality requirements, basic driverinterface elements, minimum requirements for reaction to failure, and performance test proceduresfor PALS.
PALS perform part or all of lane change tasks under the driver’s initiation and supervision.PALSare intended to function on roads with visible lane markings,where non-motorized vehicles andpedestrians are prohibited (e.g.access controlled highway), and to perform a lane change into a lanewith traffic moving in the same direction. Support on sections of roadway with temporary or irregularlane markings (such as roadwork zones) is not within the scope of this document.
This document does not describe functionalities based on combinations with longitudinal controlsystems such as those standardized in ISO 22839 (FVCMS) or ISO 15622(ACC).
The driver always assumes responsibility for this system and the driver’s decisions and operations takepriority at all times.
Use of PALS is intended for light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles (heavy trucks and buses).
This document does not address any functional or performance requirements for detection sensorsnor any communication links for co-operative solutions.
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their contentconstitutes requirements of this document. For dated references,only the edition cited applies.Forundated references, the latest edition of the referenced document(including any amendments) applies.
PALS are classified into two types by different tasks split between system and driver as shown in5.1.1, and 5.1.2, and by a modified sequence of operations. In both types, the lane change manoeuvreis initiated and supervised by the driver and is terminated when the SV is brought totally inside thetarget lane.
ln Type I systems, the driver intends to promptly change the lane as the driver evaluates the target laneto be free and the PALS receive a driver command to perform the lane change manoeuvre. The systemperforms the lane change unless it detects an adjacent vehicle that obstructs the lane change.
ln Type ll systems, the driver intends to change the lane as soon as a sufficient gap in the target lanebecomes available.The driver authorizes the system to search for a sufficient gap and then to performa lane change manoeuvre.
In both types, a lane change manoeuvre is only started when no hazardous obstacle is detected in therelevant range for Type I or Type II, respectively (see 5.1.1 and 5.1.2).
For both types, the point in time when the SV leaves the current lane is specified as the point in timewhen the preceding wheel of the SV crosses the inner edge of the lane marking.Type I and Il systems can be offered separately, or as a combined system with both types in one system.Both types may be combined with a longitudinal control system such as ISO 15622(ACC) to maintainan appropriate time gap behind a forward vehicle.
Type I systems perform a lane change corresponding to the driver’s initiation by controlling the lateralmanoeuvre of the vehicle when there is no obstacle detected at least in the blind spot area.Means todetect the blind spot area shall conform to the requirements of LCDAS Type I specified in IS0 17387.ISO 21202 pdf download.

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