ISO 14063-2020 pdf free

04-23-2021 comment

ISO 14063-2020 pdf free.Environmental management —Environmental communication —Guidelines and examples.
This document gives guidelines to organizations for general principles,policy,strategy andactivities relating to both internal and external environmental communication. It uses proven andwell-established approaches for communication, adapted to the specific conditions that exist inenvironmental is applicable to all organizations regardless of their size, type, location, structure, activities, productsand services, and whether or not they have an environmental management system in place.
lt can be used in combination with any of the ISO 14000 family of standards, or on its own.NOTE1 A reference table to the ISO 14000 family is provided in Annex A.NOTE2 ISO 14020,IS0 14021,ISO 14024,ISO 14025 and ISO 14026 provide specific environmentalcommunication tools and guidance relating to product labels and declarations.There are no normative references in this document.
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
environmental communication process that an organization (3.4) conducts to provide and obtain information, and to engage indialogue with internal and external interested parties(3.5) to encourage a shared understanding onenvironmental issues, aspects and performance
environmental communication policy overall intentions and directions of an organization (3.4) related to its environmental communication(3.1) as formally expressed by top management.
Note 1 to entry: The environmental communication policy can be a separate policy or part of other policieswithin the organization.
environmental communication strategy organization’s (3.4) framework for implementing its environmental communication policy (3.2) and forthe setting of environmental communication objectives (3.7)
organization:person or group of people that has its own functions with responsibilities, authorities and relationshipsto achieve its objectives
Note 1 to entry:The concept of organization includes, butis notlimited to, sole-trader, company, corporation, firm,enterprise, authority, partnership, charity or institution, or part or combination therecf, whether incorporated or not, public or private.[SOURCE: ISO 14001:2015,3.1.4]
environmental communication objective result, consistent with the environmental communication policy (3.2), that an organization (3.4) setsitself to achieve as part of its environmental strategy Note 1 to entry: The term “environmental communication target” used in the previous edition of this documentisnot used in this newedition, to be harmonized with ISO 14015:2001 where “target” is not used.The organizationcan, however, still use two levels of objectives as described in 7.1.3,Practical help box 7.
social media online technologies and practices that people use to share opinions,insights,experiences andperspectives with each other,transforming traditional one-to-many interactions into many-to-manyinteractions [SOURCE:ISO 20252:2019,3.95] ISO 14063 pdf download.

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