EN ISO 11105-2020 pdf free.Small craft — Ventilation of petrol engine and/or petroltank compartments.
This documentspecifies requirements for the ventilation of petrol engine and petrol tank compartmentsin small craft having petrol engines for propulsion, electrical generation or mechanical power, to preventthe accumulation of explosive gases in these compartments. Personal watercraft are not covered in thisdocument.The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their contentconstitutes requirements of this document.For dated references,only the edition cited applies.Forundated references, the latest edition of the referenced document(including any amendments) applies.ISO 8846:1990,Small craft — Electrical devices – Protection against ignition of surroundingflammable gases
ISO 11192:2005, Small craft —Graphical symbols.
ISO 10088:2013,Small craft — Permanently installed fuel systems.
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
habitable space:space surrounded by permanent structure in which there is provision for any of the following activities:sleeping, cooking, eating, washing/toilet, navigation, steering
Note 1 to entry: Spaces intended exclusively for storage, open cockpits with or without canvas enclosures andengine rooms are not included.
net compartment volume:volume that results from subtracting the volume of the permanently installed (3.4) items of equipmentand accessories from the total, or gross, compartment volume.
open to the atmosphere <compartment or space> having at least 0,34 m2 of permanent open area directly exposed to theatmosphere for each cubic meter of net compartment volume(3.2)
Compartments or spaces containing fixed petrol engines and/or fixed petrol tanks shall beseparated from habitable spaces.This requirement is met where the structure fulfils the following:
a) the boundaries are continuously sealed (e.g.welded, brazed, glued, laminated or otherwise sealed);b) penetrations for cables, piping, etc. are closed by fittings, seals and/or sealants;
c)access openings such as doors, hatches, etc. are equipped with fittings so they can be secured to
minimize the flow of gas or vapours in the closed position.
The effectiveness of the boundary joints or sealing may be demonstrated either by documentation orvisual inspection.
If storage compartments for portable tanks are provided, the storage compartment shall be opento the atmosphere or shall be fitted with a natural ventilation system according to Clause 5.External openings of ventilation intakes and exhausts shall be located according to IS0 10088:2013.
Ventilation supply and exhaust ducts shall not open directly into a habitable space.Ventilation ducts or openings shall terminate on the exterior of the craft and outside of weatherenclosures.EN ISO 11105 pdf download.
EN ISO 11105-2020 pdf free
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