BS ISO 50004:2020 pdf free.Energy management systems — Guidance for theimplementation, maintenance and improvementof an ISo 50001 energy management system.
1.Scope:This document gives practical guidelines and examples for establishing,implementing, maintainingand improving an energy management system(EnMS)in accordance with the systematic approach ofISO 50001:2018. The guidance in this document is applicable to any organization.
This document does not provide guidance on how to develop an integrated management system.
While the guidance in this document is consistent with the requirements of lSO 50001:2018, it does notprovide interpretations of those requirements.
2.Normative references:The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their contentconstitutes requirements of this document. For dated references,only the edition cited applies.Forundated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO 50001:2018, Energy management systems —Requirements with guidance for use
3Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
3.1.Terms and definitions:For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 50001:2018 apply.
4.1.Understanding the organization and its context:This subclause involves determining strategic issues,i.e. issues that can affect, either positively ornegatively, the intended outcomes of the EnMS. Determining these issues (both internal and external)serves to connect the EnMS with the organization’s strategic direction and goals.When the context of an organization is well understood, it assists in establishing,implementing,maintaining and continually improving the organization’s EnMS and energy performance.Understanding the context promotes discussion between top management and the relevant interestedparties (see 4.2) and ensures that changing circumstances and other issues are addressed to benefitthe EnMS.Integral to this process is understanding the aims and culture of the organization.This helpsto align the EnMS with the preferred practices and approaches used by the organization to conductits business operations. The outputs of context are used to plan, implement and operate the EnMS inways that provide ongoing value to the organization. Top management is best placed to ensure theEnMS reflects the organizational context and that it continues to provide the expected benefits to theorganization. Internal and external issues change over time. To ensure the context remains current,the organization can conduct reviews of its context at planned intervals and through activities such asmanagement review.
Organizations can approach this requirement through discussions and structured conversations, andby reviewing sources of information.At the strategic level, tools such as SWoT analysis, PESTLE analysisor TDODAR analysis may be used for the identification and evaluation of contextual issues. A simplerapproach, such as brainstorming, can be useful for organizations, depending on the size and complexityof their operations. The processes and outputs of processes used for evaluating the organization’scontext can be considered necessary for the effectiveness of the EnMS, and may be maintained asdocumented information.The triggers and review frequency for conducting these processes shouldalso be defined in documented information.BS ISO 50004 pdf download.
BS ISO 50004:2020 pdf free
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