BS ISO 2795:2020 pdf free.Plain bearings – Sintered bushes —Dimensions and tolerances.
This document specifies the dimensions and tolerances applicable to sintered bearings for the followingranges of inside diameters: cylindrical bearings: 1 mm to 60 mm;flanged bearings: 1 mm to 60 mm;spherical bearings: 1 mm to 20 mm.
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their contentconstitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. Forundated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO5755, Sintered metal materials — Specifications.No terms and definitions are listed in this document.
The tolerances for the bearings after fitting and the tolerances for the housing and insertion pin aregiven below. In addition, the tolerances for the inside and outside diameters of the bearings beforefitting are given.
Since the actual tolerances and combinations of tolerances in the as-delivered state depend upon thecharacteristics of the materials and the manufacturing methods, they should be discussed with themanufacturer.The tolerances for the bearings after fitting and the tolerances for the housing and insertion pin aregiven below.In addition, the tolerances for the inside and outside diameters of the bearing and on theflange before fitting are given.
Since the actual tolerances and combinations of tolerances in the as-delivered state depend upon thecharacteristics of the materials and the manufacturing methods, they should be discussed with themanufacturer.A cylindrical surface is permissible on the sphere at the centre of the bearing length, the diameter ofwhich should be agreed upon by the user and the manufacturer.
The sizes given in this document are based on a range of shaft diameters which are consideredto correspond to the requirements of industry. For all except the smallest sizes, a thin-wall seriesis provided in addition to the normal series in order to introduce an element of choice and,moreimportantly, to provide for the possibility of the same sizes being adopted for plain bearings made fromother materials.BS ISO 2795 pdf download.
BS ISO 2795:2020 pdf free
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